Friday 9 November 2012

Need To Stop The Ranting.

Reviewing the events of the last few weeks and also the last few years, something has struck me... I cuss far too much.
At the highest level of ranting, I cussed someone on twitter for supporting/voting Obama simply because he is black (or mixed race, whichever you want to view him as) and it's hip to have and vote for a black president, but knowing that if this person ever had children, they'd never want them to marry outside of their race.
Now, reviewing this I've realised that I've become everything that society has said I am... An aggressive black woman. If I continue, someday soon, someone will knock at my door with a section 186 stating that they will detain me under the mental health act.
So, my choices are to continue down this rocky path or to follow my dream of becoming my own business owner where at least I will get some self worth out of my life.

I really need to stop watching and reading the news as this tends to be a catalyst into disaster...