Wednesday 13 May 2009

Bitches & Hoes


To those of you that expect this blog to be about X-Rated porn stars and such, sorry. You'll be sadly disappointed. The bitches and hoes I'm talking about are the ones that we encounter day in and day out.

Now, I was never in the "In Crowd" and always consider myself to be a bit of a misfit and social butterfly. I was a geek. Stayed in the computer room at lunchtimes to play the L-Shaped maze on the Rimbus, but that's besides the point. The point I'm making is that I was not considered an assertive in your face hoe that disregarded others feeling. Maybe I had a slight moment of that back in primary school at the age of 10 where I pushed a young girl called Julie M in the back in assembly and had many a sleepless night about how awful I felt about treating her in such as way.

Julie M, if you're out there... I am so sorry. Please forgive me.

Also besides the point, the point is is that I learnt that you cannot treat people in this way, and can only treat people the way you wish to be treated and respect people as human beings. Though the reverse does come to hand that if others treat you with contempt, then that should be reflected at them also.

Now, the bitches and hoes....

Women like me will be able to relate to this.

Have you ever walked along a platform edge at a train station/tube station/whatever and stood there waiting for the train/tube... the sole person on the platform.... at the front.... and then when the train/tube arrives you may have a few people stood either behind you or beside you. Then when the train/tube door opens some bitch moves onto the train/tube first as if you were invisible or too ugly or dirty to ever enter a place first, god forbid, ever enter at all considering the fact that you are so hideous looking that there is now way that you would even come out of your house or box?


The bitches that have "The Princess Mentality".


The Princess Mentality is that of a child with curly ringlets and with people saying "Oh she's daddy's little princess". Unfortunately for the rest of us, that child turns in the Biggest Bitch most women dread to ever meet in there already miserable lives.

She's the girl that has the looks, has the dolls, has the playhouse to go with the dolls, never wants for anything, always had the cutest looking boyfriend and felt that she could have any boy she wanted.... then grows up to think that every man wants her.

This attitude oozes of these women, and no amount of IMPULSE can hide the stench of her "I can have it all" attitude.

This leads in nicely to the other element of my blog.... HOES.

HOES are those women that will still your man, knowing, that he has another woman, and feel absolutely know way about it. She won't necessarily do it cause she wants the guy, she'll do it cause SHE KNOWS SHE CAN. Hoes don't have many female friends.... in fact.... add 1 to that.... she don't have ANY female friends cause they know just how HOE-ISH she can be.

There are alot of these women around.

The BITCHES are alot harder for men to identify initially, but misfits will always know who they are. HOES however women instantly can recognise them, and men know they exist, but only find out that they're with a HOE when it's too late.

My pet hates... both of them. I try my hardest everyday and pray that I don't turn into one of these types, as I know, for a fact, ONCE A MISFIT, ALWAYS A MISFIT, AND WE RULE. LOOK AT BILL GATES.

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