Wednesday 5 May 2010

Election Fever

So, we are nearing the final lap in the race regarding "who will be the next prick behind 10 downing street".
Now, I may come across as cynical, in any event "I AM".

I have had various leaflets and door-knockers at my door. They cannot answer any of my questions that I have put forward to them.

Simple questions such as:

Where are the local jobs for local people that they are advertising? Does these local business men/women have any idea that they could potentially have a local resident in their team?

Have they got any money left after their big team drink-up for them to build social housing for people who are struggling on their mezzley income to keep a roof over their heads.

People that can afford to get on the property ladder - nice for them, I ain't begrudging them nothing... however, questions remain.... what about ME??

It's like electing the school bully for class president, knowing full well that their gonna knock the shit out of you the next day.

What choice you have??

Let me tell ya - NONE.

There ain't none... and here lies the rub.... if their isn't anyone to represent me, why vote??

I'm voting for the millions that died for me to get the vote in the first place.

I'm voting for my ancestors who survived on those ships with chains around their hands, necks and feet for days. Hardship??? I haven't experienced nothing. However, like my ancestors before me..... I have one thing that they didn't and couldn't have.... A VOICE.

I will allow my heart, my mind and my voice do the talking..... needless to say, I am looking forward to tomorrow, where I will take out my pencil and make that big old cross on the paper and turn and walk out, just as calming as I was walking in.

1 comment:

  1. and just like that, you've returned back into my life and bring news of yours. THANKS!
